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Yobuko Asaichi (Morning Market)

  • Yobuko
  • 山・海の幸

Fresh seafood, dried fish, delicious locally grown fruit and beautiful flowers, and much more!

The morning greets Squid Town, or Yobuko, as the town's locals gather in the morning market to sell their wares. Visitors who walk down the early morning streets are often greeted by the friendly calls of nearby grandmas, and the shopping experience is especially enhanced by the conversation of these boisterous women. The morning market runs every day, rain or shine, except for New Year's Day. Come and enjoy a shopping trip that is far from your standard visit to a supermarket.

住所 唐津市呼子町呼子朝市通り
電話番号 0955-82-3426(呼子観光案内所)
営業時間 7:30~12:00
休み 1/1
駐車場 呼子朝市駐車場(無料)

呼子臨港駐車場 (有料¥100/~1H)
Access 大手口バスセンターよりバスで30分。
二次元バーコード バーコードを表示する



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